Eskari pertsonalizatuak.

Zure etxeko paretak, lantokikoak berritu nahian bazabiltza edo opari berezi bat egin nahi baduzu, artelan pertsonalizatua da bilatzen ari zaren aukerarik onena. Modu honetan, irudia zure beharretara oinarritua sortuko dut, bai tamaina, gama kromatikoa, euskarri eta gai aldetik. Eskaria ilustrazio digitala, margolana, eskultura edo murala izan daiteke.

Customize an artwork to your  own style. Whether you´re decorating the walls of your own residence or styling your client´s space, custom artworks are made to your choice of color palette, size, material and style. Commissioned pieces can be digital illustrations, painting, sculptures or murals.


1. Inspirazioa. 

Aukera itzazu nire aurretiko lanetatik gustuko dituzun irudiak (nire Instagram perfila toki ona da begiratzen hasteko), dagoeneko zer nahi duzun baldin badakizu  konta iezadazu ondorengo inkesta betez: zein kontzeptu jorratu nahi duzun, koloreak, formatua etab.

2. Bozetoak

Behin diseinuaren nundik norakoak finkatu ditugula bozeto lanekin hasiko naiz (2-4 aste inguru behar izaten ditut). Digitalean egindako proposamena bidaliko dizut gama kromatiko proposamen ezberdinekin.

How does it work? 

1. Gather inspiration. Select a range of visual references from my own past works  ( My Instagram profile is a good place to start), or if you already know what you´re looking for, just let me know by filling the form below: Tell me about the concept, color and feelings. 

2. Drafts & Process. Once agreed on a design briefing, I will start the drafting process (usually takes me 4-6 weekdays). A solid digital proposal is sent for approval along with a recommended color variaton to choose from. Please note that in order  to start drafting, a downpayment needs to be covered.

3. Artelana sortu

Zirriborroa gaindituta,  artelana osatzen hasiko naiz. Tamaina erdiko mihiseak egiteko 2 aste inguru behar izaten ditut, denbora epeak eskariaren ezaugarrien araberakoak izango dira.


Gainditu & bidali.

Artelan finala amaituta, argazki bat bidaliko dizut emaitza gainditu dezazun. Ondoren, eskaria bildu eta bidalketa zertifikatua egingo dut. Ordainketaren %100 jasotakoan, bidalketa prozesuak 3 edo 5 egun hartu ditzazke.

 3. Process shots.

Once the draft is approved, painting comes next. Painting a medium-sized canvas takes around 2 weeks to be fully completed, this time frames will very depending on the specs of the piece to be produced.

Approval & Delivery.

Once the final piece is finished, one last picture is sent for approval. After this, the artwork will be packaged and shipped to your place like a certified shipment. The shipping process take 3 to 5 days to be shipped after final payment is 100% covered.



Bete ondorengo inkesta aipatutako informazioa zehaztuz. Gogoratu aurretiko lanen erreferentzietaz mesedez, informazio baliotsua baita eskariaren abiapuntua finkatzeko.

Mila esker konfiantzagatik!


Fill in the form with the required information. Remember to specify the inspiration images of my previous works as it is very necessary information as a starting point for your creation. Thank you!